Friday, April 23, 2010

Does Nike Support Cruelty to Women?

Yea, I know I haven’t “blogged” for a while.

That’s because I’m trying to figure out “what I want to do with the rest of my life.”

Poor me.

Not really.

I’ve had a blessed life and a highly successful career.

My biggest problem is FOOD, too much of it. And, my inability to restrain myself from eating chocolate. However, today, I’m gonna take a time-out. Not gonna whine about the perils of food.

Instead I’m gonna mention two things:

One is a blog that my cousin is writing as she undergoes chemo and radiation on her brain. She has a remarkable attitude and a wonderful sense of humor and, frankly, she inspires me. It’s short but effective and def worth the read.

Here it is:

Second, I’m really peeved at NIKE. Did you read the op-ed piece in the NY Times? It should be entitled, “NIKE SUPPORTS CRUELTY TO WOMEN.” I can’t imagine any woman would ever want to buy another NIKE product after reading this.

So, here’s that link:

Sometimes blogs are meant to be fun. And some times they’re meant to be inspirational and informational. And that’s what mine is today.

Please take a moment to read the links and let me know your comments.


  1. Take all your Nike products, dice them, slice them, saute and flambe them, then pack them and send them to Ben Roethlisberger in care of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

  2. Apparently you CAN stop posting, though. It's been too long.
